How to disable newsletter modules in Magento?

You go Magento Admin Section.

1. Then click  System.
2. Go to Configuration
3. Click “Advanced Tab”
4. There Which Module You need to Hide
5. You can do it there. Now we can Changed the Mage_Newsletter “Enable” to “Disable”.

Sugar Diet – Chronicle Condition

காலை எழுந்தவுடன் : “டி” சாப்பிடக்கூடாது. அதற்கு பதிலாக அரை லிட்டர் தண்ணீரில் துளசி இலை போட்டு அந்த நீரை குடிக்கவும். இந்த துளசி நீரை, முதல் நாள் இரவு தண்ணீரில் துளசியை போட்டு மூடி வச்சிறனும், பிறகு அதை மறுநாள் காலை குடிக்கவும்.

முடிந்த அளவு காலை உணவு 8.00 மணியிலிருந்து 9.00 மணிக்குள் சாப்பிட்டு விடவும்.
காலை உணவு : கூல் (அல்லது) பிரட் (அல்லது) சப்பாத்தி (கொஞ்சமா ஆயில் சேர்த்து கொள்ளவும்) (அல்லது) ரெண்டு இட்லி

How to Create New Banner Position in Interspire?

1. Go to ->/httpdocs/language/en/admin/banners.ini

Add this code :
BannerTopOfPage = “Top of Page”
TopOfHomePage = “Top of Home Page”

2.  Go to -> /httpdocs/admin/includes/classes/class.banners.php
a.) Find this -> “if ($banner['location'] == "top") {

when you find this line there you can add below type:

if ($banner[‘location’] == “homeTopBanner”) {
$GLOBALS[‘IsLocationHomeTopBanner’] = “selected=”selected””;
else if ($banner[‘location’] == “top”) {
$GLOBALS[‘IsLocationTop’] = “selected=”selected””;
else {
$GLOBALS[‘IsLocationBottom’] = “selected=”selected””;

b.) Find this ->”if ($banner['location'] == "top") {"

when you find this line there you can add below type:

if ($banner[‘location’] == “homeTopBanner”) {
$GLOBALS[‘Location’] .= sprintf(” (%s)”, GetLang(‘BannerTopOfHomePage’));
else if ($banner[‘location’] == “top”) {
$GLOBALS[‘Location’] .= sprintf(” (%s)”, GetLang(‘BannerTopOfPage’));
else {
$GLOBALS[‘Location’] .= sprintf(” (%s)”, GetLang(‘BannerBottomOfPage’));

3. Go to -> “/httpdocs/includes/classes/class.banner.php”

a.) Find this ->”if($banner[‘location’] == “top” && !isset($GLOBALS[‘Banners’][‘top’])) {”

when you find this line there you can add below type:

if($banner[‘location’] == “homeTopBanner” && !isset($GLOBALS[‘Banners’][‘homeTopBanner’])) {
$GLOBALS[‘Banners’][‘homeTopBanner’] = $banner;
else if($banner[‘location’] == “top” && !isset($GLOBALS[‘Banners’][‘top’])) {
$GLOBALS[‘Banners’][‘top’] = $banner;
else if($banner[‘location’] == “bottom” && !isset($GLOBALS[‘Banners’][‘bottom’])) {
$GLOBALS[‘Banners’][‘bottom’] = $banner;

b.) Find this -> “if($banner['location'] == "top" && !isset($GLOBALS['Banners'][$banner['catorbrandid']]['top'])) {"

when you find this line there you can add below type:

if($banner[‘location’] == “homeTopBanner” && !isset($GLOBALS[‘Banners’][$banner[‘catorbrandid’]][‘homeTopBanner’])) {
$GLOBALS[‘Banners’][$banner[‘catorbrandid’]][‘homeTopBanner’] = $banner;
else if($banner[‘location’] == “top” && !isset($GLOBALS[‘Banners’][$banner[‘catorbrandid’]][‘top’])) {
$GLOBALS[‘Banners’][$banner[‘catorbrandid’]][‘top’] = $banner;
else if($banner[‘location’] == “bottom” && !isset($GLOBALS[‘Banners’][$banner[‘catorbrandid’]][‘bottom’])) {
$GLOBALS[‘Banners’][$banner[‘catorbrandid’]][‘bottom’] = $banner;

4. Go to ->”/httpdocs/lib/templates”

a.) Find this -> "if(isset($GLOBALS["Banners"]["top"])) {"

when you find this line there you can add below type:

// Is there a Header top template?
if(isset($GLOBALS[“Banners”][“homeTopBanner”])) {
// Replace it out
$tplData = str_replace(“%%Banner.homeTopBanner%%”, $GLOBALS[“Banners”][“homeTopBanner”][“content”], $tplData);
else {
// Replace it with nothing
$tplData = str_replace(“%%Banner.homeTopBanner%%”, “”, $tplData);

b.) Find this ->” if(isset($GLOBALS["Banners"][$id])) {"

Add this below lines :
// Is there a Header top template?
if(isset($GLOBALS[“Banners”][$id][“homeTopBanner”])) {
// Replace it out
$tplData = str_replace(“%%Banner.homeTopBanner%%”, $GLOBALS[“Banners”][$id][“homeTopBanner”][“content”], $tplData);
else {
// Replace it with nothing
$tplData = str_replace(“%%Banner.homeTopBanner%%”, “”, $tplData);

c.) Find final add this line in this page any where–> $tplData = str_replace(“%%Banner.TopBanner%%”, “”, $tplData);

When you find this line you can add the same type, that line below or above:

$tplData = str_replace(“%%Banner.homeTopBanner%%”, “”, $tplData);

5. Go to this page -> /httpdocs/admin/templates/banner.form.tpl
Find this line for form view : <option value=”top” %%GLOBAL_IsLocationTop%%>%%LNG_TopOfPage%%</option>
Add you type code : <option value=”homeTopBanner” %%GLOBAL_IsLocationHomeTopBanner%%>%%LNG_TopOfHomePage%%</option>

6. Where you want add this final line in your front template file :

7. And one more changes is important :
Go to mysql query, Add below query for your Banner Position Stored Database Purpose :
"ALTER TABLE `isc_banners` CHANGE `location` `location` ENUM( ‘top’, ‘bottom’, ‘homeTopBanner’, ‘rightBanner1’, ‘rightBanner2’, ‘rightBanner3’, ‘rightBanner4’, ‘leftBanner1’, ‘leftBanner2’, ‘leftBanner3’, ‘leftBanner4’ ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT ‘top’ "
Go to Phpmyadmin – Select table “isc_banners” and Edit the filed location.

Now the new banner position is added.

More reference in some other option advice you can use this url also :


Five Element in Acupunture

Acupunture Courses

I found below link for Acupuncture Courses, If anybody want clarify this and joint yourself.

Which Point Using in Acupuncture for Diabetes?

How to refersh css file in drupal?


Sometime the css not view correctly in drupal.

That time you need to change the Performance settings.

1. You Login to Admin.
2. Click  to Admin OR Administer
3. Click Site Configuration OR Settings
4. Click Performance

now you change the Css Cache Permission Disabled.

And Clear already cahed information.

then its working fine.

How to get Like Box in Facebook?

Hi its is very easy to find.

Anybody want Likebox image view in your site. You go belwo url :

1. You change facebook url  address (

2. And change your size.

3. change your facebook like view.

4. Finally click your Get Code.

that’s all you can get your facebook likebox script in your side.

How to create page excerpt in WP?

Add Below line for functions.php inside :

add_post_type_support('page', 'excerpt');

after added above code, the excerpt will show you.

How to solve Magento Internal server error?


Just give permission for index.php –> 755.

this is working for me. I search this issue from google via.

enjoy all. 🙂

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